The Most Advanced Whole-Home UV Light Air Purification System
UV-C light reacts with the ten (10) CeraCarbon™ cells positioned in an advanced V-Twin Matrix design allows for increased surface area across the plenum, which effectively disintegrates the captured contaminants, leaving only harmless water vapor and CO2 released back into the air. This process leaves the carbon cells clean, so they never fill up or need to be replaced. The result is clean, odor-free air throughout your home.

What Is An EnviroAire IAQ UV System?
EnviroAire IAQ UV uses a unique combination of UV-C light and CeraCarbon™ cells to improve indoor air quality by destroying odor-causing, and potentially toxic VOCs while sterilizing mold, bacteria, viruses, and allergens from the air stream in your home.
EnviroAire IAQ UV is installed in the ductwork of the central air system to remove airborne contaminants as they pass by.
Advanced Photocatalytic Oxidization
EnviroAire IAQ UV detoxes the air with a process called Photocatalytic Oxidization (PCO), a technology similar to the catalytic converter on your car’s exhaust.
Germ-Killing Power Of UV-C Light
For over a century, scientists have known about the germ-killing properties of UV-C light. Because the frequency of light is filtered out by the Earth’s atmosphere, microorganisms have no defense against it. It works by scrambling their DNA which prevents them from reproducing.

Features / Benefits
• Reduces odors and toxic VOCs
• Kills mold, bacteria, and viruses
• Improves indoor air quality
• Installs in central air system
• Extends life of HVAC system
The EnviroAire IAQ UV comes in multiple sizes to fit your needs (Models EAUV-11, EAUV-15, and EAUV-15-2). To find the option that’s right for you, have an EnviroAire IAQ Certified Partner out to your home to determine the best fit for your home comfort and health.
UV-C Testing Results
Test results from Airmid Healthgroup (a certified allergy testing lab) have proven the effectiveness of the EnviroAire IAQ UV Whole Home In-Duct Air Purification System. The tests verified that the device could sterilize microorganisms and reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as EnviroAire IAQ UV’s light was “highly effective” at inactivating microbes. The EnviroAire IAQ UV CeraCarbon™ cells are “capable of reducing high concentrations” of VOCs commonly found in residential and commercial buildings, including hospitals, hotels, offices, and schools. The testing was performed on the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers) 52.2 test duct system.

COVID-19 Update
Every microorganism, including the coronavirus (COVID-19), requires a specific UV-C dosage for inactivation. UV disinfection has been employed for decades in water treatment; these microwatt values have been used for reference to gauge UV-C efficiency against a large cross-section of microorganisms. While EnviroAire IAQ UV systems have not been tested explicitly against coronavirus, they have been tested and proven effective against similar pathogens. Some require an even greater dosage for inactivation than coronavirus. Until further testing can be done, we cannot confirm or deny that this product will kill the coronavirus.