Premium Whole-Home Indoor Air Quality Products

UV-C Air Purification System

Media Air Cleaners
The Solution For Indoor Air Pollution & Odors
Detox The Air!
The EnviroAire IAQ UV uses a combination of UV-C light and CeraCarbon™ cells to improve indoor air quality by destroying odor-causing, and toxic VOCs, while sterilizing mold, bacteria, viruses, and allergens from the air stream in your home.
1″ Polarized Media Air Cleaner
Breathe Polarizingly,
Clean Air!
An Essential Component Of Your Indoor Air Quality. Air filters are in every heating and cooling unit, preventing significant pollutants from passing through the system and into your breathing air. Unfortunately, the average filters that homeowners might pick up at their local grocery store leave much to be desired when it comes to absolute filtration.