IAQ News

3 Ways To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality This Fall

by Melissa Stevens on Sep 22, 2022

3 Ways To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality This Fall

Fall is almost here! That means many of us will start to spend most of our time indoors, so it's important to improve the indoor air quality in your home. 

Fall is the perfect time to focus more on improving the indoor air quality in your home because the crisp, cool weather forces more people indoors. Here are 3 easy tips to help you get started! 

  1. Replace your HVAC Filter

Your air filter has the important job of acting as a barrier between you and exposure to harmful indoor air pollutants. It's essential to replace your standard air filter at least once every three months. You would be surprised how quickly it can become clogged when exposed to allergens and bacteria, especially during the fall season. If you have an EnviroAire IAQ 5" Media Air Cleaner, you'll only have to replace it once a year. 

  1. Use Natural Air Freshener Alternatives

Aerosol air fresheners often have volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are harmful to inhale. Instead of using a synthetic commercial air freshener with toxic chemicals, try a natural alternative, such as an essential oil diffuser or simmer pot! You can use fall scents like apple, cinnamon, and everyone's favorite, pumpkin spice! You'll save money and keep your indoor air quality at a healthier level.

  1. Install A Whole-Home Humidifier 

Fall weather means less air conditioning is needed to keep cool. Less air conditioning can lead to inadequate humidity levels inside your home. Ideal humidity levels fall within 30 to 50 percent, and a whole-home humidifier could provide the appropriate balance of humidification if your home feels too dry. We have two Whole-Home Humidification Systems to choose from. Learn more about which one would best fit your home’s needs (insert link). 

If you have any concerns about your indoor air quality or want to lean more on how to improve it, contact a pro in your area!