IAQ News

3 Thanksgiving Indoor Air Quality Tips

by Melissa Stevens on Nov 03, 2021

3 Thanksgiving Indoor Air Quality Tips

Cooking, baking, and people are everything we love about Thanksgiving, but did you know they’re all sources of indoor air pollution?

You may deem it strange to think of the holidays as a time where indoor air pollution increases. However, when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. To help you avoid indoor air pollution this holiday season, here are 3 quick indoor air quality tips for more breathable air this Thanksgiving.

1. Change Your Filters

Can you remember the last time you changed your air filter? No? That means it's time for a new one! When it comes to filters, they can only work if they're clean and changed regularly. In other words, clogged and dirty filters mean poor indoor air quality. Before you start cooking this Thanksgiving, be sure to check your filters and install new ones if necessary. Pro-tip: take a filter out and put it in front of a source of light. If you can't see light through it, it's time for a replacement!

2. Ventilate

Start by turning on the kitchen exhaust fan. If you don't have a kitchen exhaust fan, most stovetops and ovens already have one installed. Depending on the weather, opening windows and doors is a great way to ventilate your home naturally. If it's too cold outside to naturally ventilate your home, turn on a ceiling fan instead! All three options are a great way to ensure your home is well ventilated this Thanksgiving.

3. Control Humidity

Cooking usually causes an increase in moisture levels in your home. In contrast, colder weather causes us to turn on our heating systems, which causes indoor air to become drier. Whether humidity levels are too moist or too dry, unstable moisture levels allow allergens and bacteria to contaminate your indoor air. The best way to take control of your home's humidity is to install an EnviroAire Whole-Home Humidifier.

For more tips and advice on improving your indoor air quality this holiday season, contact an EnviroAire IAQ pro in your area!