IAQ News

3 Natural Alternatives To Toxic Air Fresheners

by Melissa Stevens on Jun 09, 2021

3 Natural Alternatives To Toxic Air Fresheners

If you think spraying an excessive amount of scented air freshener will clean your indoor air, think again. Scented air fresheners are a form of indoor air pollution and release harmful chemicals into your home.

Who doesn’t love walking into a room that smells great? Get rid of those harmful aerosol air fresheners and switch to something you can make yourself using simple, natural materials! Here are 3 natural alternatives to toxic air fresheners.

1. Oil Reed Diffuser

Oil reed diffusers are similar to scented candles but without the flame. Making an oil reed diffuser at home is fairly simple. All you need is a glass or ceramic jar, a few reeds, your choice of essential oils, and a base of either safflower, almond, or coconut oil. As the mixture diffuses, you can refill it with the same scent or try something new!

2. Fragrant Houseplants

Not only do houseplants fill your home with beauty and color, but they can also be a great alternative for aerosol air fresheners! With proper care, you can grow fragrant plants indoors at practically any time of the year. Fragrant houseplants include lavender, rosemary, mint, and many more.

3. Simmer Pots

An easy and natural way to have your home smelling better is to make a simmer pot! All you need is citrus, such as lemons and oranges, with several herbs, like rosemary and basil. The aromatic oils in will spread throughout your home as the pot simmers.

If you're interested in improving your indoor air quality, ditch the toxic air fresheners and contact an indoor air quality pro in your area!